Sensory Coaching with Jen

Jen Papp

Does your child struggle with getting dressed in the morning?

Does she constantly need to be on the move? 

Does he become easily frustrated with new activities? 

Are birthday parties or play dates difficult? 

Are there playground activities she avoids?

These could be signs of difficulties with sensory processing, self-regulation, body awareness, motor planning, and development of gross motor and fine motor skills.  

Jennifer Papp, MS, OTR/L, CEIS, is a pediatric occupational therapist who provides remote, cutting-edge treatment to address your child’s feeding, sensory, and behavioral issues. From the comfort of your own home, Jen will devise strategies and support you as you implement a plan for home or school. She is ready and able to help you tap into your individual child to better learn how they operate. 

Remember, each child has their own unique sensory makeup!

Parenting is hard enough these days; knowing when to “pick your battles” can lead to more positive outcomes for all.

To learn more about our Sensory Coaching packages and all that there is to offer, please email us